
Thursday, 26 September 2019

hunman knot

On monday we played outside. We played the human knot. In my team were jimmy, cambridge
and lucian. We stood in a circle and put our right hand in. then holding hands.
and ams. after we got  untangled we won.

Monday, 23 September 2019

Cross Country

On monday we went to cross county. We lined up and sat on the hot coucrete. It was our turn next. I
felt nervous watchrng the raes. I was rerdy to run. I ran fast and slow because I got tired.
I finished the race and I feit like I wanted to go home and have ahoev and a sleep.

Thursday, 12 September 2019

a visit to the butterfly house

Hockey Recount

On Thursday I went to hockey. At hockey we did not play octopus. Talanoa and Willy had to hit our ball. Talanoa hit Lucian's ball out of the yellow. I enjoyed playing hockey with my friends.

Thursday, 25 July 2019

The Waterfall

at the water fall I can see slipper rocks. At the water fall I can hear loud noises. At the water fall I can feel slippery rocks and the water feel like rain.

Frosty Man and the BMX Kid

Jumping off the cliff the boy splashed in the water.
On top of the cliff God was talking to the bmx boy. 
Suddenly God jumped in the lake.


on wednsday we made pancakes we put the flour in the bowl then we put the milk then we put then we put the eggs then after that we put the oil then we miyed it then we weited to get liquidy then we
then we put it in a pan waited unhl it bubbed and then flipped them over. The ancakes were brown and we could eat them.

The Mermaid

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Making Bread

On Monday we made bread. First we put the sugar
with the yeast and the water so the yeast will make
our bread soft.

Monday, 27 May 2019


Sandwich Instruction

We are learning about instruction today we ordered instructions. for making
a sandwich. after we had put the instructions in order we got to make a sandwich to eat. yum 

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Adding 10s

Healthy Sandwiches

On monday we made healthy sandwiehes with wr vogt at makerspace. Tame 3 had
Learning about being healthy on  the table we tomatoes cheese pickles onions
Sauc iettuce  and Bread I port in some cheese tomatoes good and the

Healthiest in the whole wlde  wold.

Friday, 1 March 2019

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Elimination Tag

Today I  Played tag at the park. I had fun with my  Friend.